Wednesday, 18 June 2014

Hacking and Monitoring Wifi Network with Android

If you are owner of wifi Hotspot you wanna know how many devices are connected to your network.What type of devices and more and  more.The tool can give you every detail of wifi network and his connected devices.You can also sniff wifi network with your android phone.Ping any devices ,see device mac address of connected devices ya pc in wifi network.This is work like hacking tool apps for android but its not.
Wifi inspector apk is high end security tool for android phone.
This Android app has also use for hack wifi password and login credientels.
WiFinspect is a multi-tool intended for Computer Security professionals and
other advanced users that wish to monitor the networks they own or have permission, i.e. the app is a security audit tool and not a hacking tool. The functions include:
* Network Information
* UPnP Device Scanner
* Host Discovery
* Network Sniffer
* Pcap Analyzer (three options)
* PCI DSS Menu
- Access Point Default Password Test (requirement 2.1.1.c)
- Access Point Security Test (requirement 4.1.1)
- Access Point Scanner (requirement 11.1)
- Internal Network Vulnerability Scanner (requirement 11.2.1)
- External Network Vulnerability Scanner (preparation for requirement 11.2.2)
* Host Information
* Port Scan
* Host Vulnerability Scan
* Traceroute
* Ping

* Network Information (ROOT): Information about the connected network like MAC and IP addresses, gateway etc
* UPnP Device Scanner: Lists all UPnP devices on the network that are within the view of your device
* Host discovery (ROOT): Uses nmap to discover all devices on the network that are within the view of your device
* Network Sniffer (ROOT): Uses tcpdump to sniff on all packets that are within the view of your device. The resulting pcap files can be analyzed with Wireshark or the built-in Pcap Analyzer
* Pcap Analyzer: Uses jNetPcap to parse a pcap file. Three options: Packet Distribution, Bandwidth Distribution or Communicating Hosts analysis
* Access Point Default Password Test: Checks a pre-set list of default router passwords against your router�s control panel and notifies you if your router is using a default password
* Access Point Security Test: Displays the access points that are within the view of your device with a note whether they are secure (WPA/WPA2) or not (WEP or unlocked)
* Access Point Scanner: Displays the access points that are within the view of your device
* Internal Vulnerability Scanner (ROOT): Uses nmap to find all devices on the network that are within the view of your device. A note is given whether exploits exists for a given device based on its operating system and open ports
* External Vulnerability Scanner (ROOT): Runs Host Information, Port Scan, Host Vulnerability Scan, Traceroute, Ping or Sniffer functions on a given IP address or hostname
* Host Information (ROOT): Uses nmap to retrieve the device�s hostname, MAC address, vendor, operating system, device name and workgroup
* Port Scan (ROOT): Uses nmap to retrieve the device�s open ports. Click on a port to view the Metasploit results for the device's operating system and port
* Host Vulnerability Scanner (ROOT): Uses nmap to retrieve information about the host along with a note stating whether exploits exists for the device based on its operating system and open ports
* Traceroute (ROOT): Uses nmap to traceroute to a host
* Ping (ROOT): Uses nping to ping a host

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