Sunday 16 February 2014

Working FB Autoliker :No Spam

         Autoliker is a web tool   that increases likes on your Facebook photos, statuses, pages, comments & videos .Now here i provide a tool without any type of spam .

The first thing you done is all your post is public .

Now thsi tool is shut off..So don't worry we working on it .

    Please Follow the steps to get your access tokeen

  Step 1

Click Get Access Token and allow the Appliction on your Facebook
         Step 2

       Step 3

Step 4

  Step 5

    Step 6  
Click "submit" and you'll be logged in.

Now learn how to get likes when you are logged in.

                 This page is about how to find your Facebook ID

   How to find my Picture's id ?  

  Step 1

   Step 2

How to find my status id ?

    Step 1  

  Step 2

   Autoliker  Tool

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